Feminine Hygiene Machine Platforms

Platform #ProductProduction ProcessTop Machine Speed
Top Production Speed
J20S-PLPanty LinersIn-line or TransverseUp to 450Up to 3600
J20S-FNFeminine NapkinIn-lineUp to 450Up to 2600
DEDE 300Feminine Napkin and Panty LinersIn-lineUp to 250Up to 1500
DEDE 400Feminine Hygiene
(Ideal for non-winged products)
TransverseUp to 120Up to 1500

Our feminine hygiene converting solutions make producing virtually any product feature possible. Our engineers will help you find the perfect solution that maximizes efficiency and minimizes waste. With teams in the USA and Europe, we provide responsive service and support to JOA® and BIKOMA machines.

Discover how our custom hygiene converting solutions can transform your business. Contact us today or give us a call. Our JOA® machines offer unmatched durability and reliability, built to last for decades. We’re committed to innovation and scalability, making it easy to incorporate new technology enhancements. Don’t miss the opportunity to elevate your product and achieve long-term success.